... But what can you do if you aren't even sure of your dreams?
Questioning the possibilities of your goals and wondering if they can even be achieved?
For within your head, re-lies a nagging doubt. A permanent question ( ? ) aligning itself with what you understand to be a certainty...
"What in the HELL are you talking about now?"
This - - - - >
In this you have to wonder. . .
about the dreams that go beyond the earth!
Fantastic ones!
But they tell you what will be. And from your heart of hearts,...
this you can see!
the GREATEST and MOST IMPRESSIVE BRIDGE EVER SEEN! Much bigger and larger than any bridge the world has ever known!
And crosses the very SEAS THEMSELVES as if they were just lakes...
I can only describe it to you... you must imagine the rest for yourself. This bridge is enormous! And so impressive, that it carries more than just a simple person across such great expanse!
And someone traveling across it turns to you and says:
"I am Impressed! You have built this amazing bridge! So now you are famous! Because it is world renowned! But what will you do, for the fame and riches gained?"
CLynn - "Celebrate. Because we have brought the entire world... closer together."