Allo All,
Seems we have reached the end of week four and the very first mod/course. And even though, I have done exceptionally well this mod, I still find it difficult to balance my personal housekeeping habits, with school, and keeping myself sane, relaxed, etc.
Still, a 101.5% ain't half bad considering!!
Just think what will happen if I get a hang of this juggling life thing! eh? eh?
Though, I wonder how I might be able to hand a major crysieees, in the event I should get sick, majorly sick, and be unable to do much...
And also I've been told at a certain mod, each year, you have to take two classes at once! In order to keep full-time student status for the loans, etc....
So. . . I suppose this is only the beginning! And once I get the hang of this, I'll no doubt have to step it up a notch for a couple weeks!!
But all for a good cause, I reckon.
Despite the severe isolation making me physically ill..., I am still able to get quite a bit done. And am determined to continue on. I've also devised a few new plans to perhaps aid in the getting in of work on time. To have more time to devote to other things, spiritual, physical, craft-wise for enjoyment and creativity, etc.
I still feel that it's a travesty though...
....but. . . I will stand alone... for as long as I can stand. . .
BTW. I just found a hillarious new/old (well it's new to me) British Com. !!!
It's called: "The Black Adder"
Hillarious show!
I'll try to get a clip up for ye, as soon as I can snap one. ^_^ Too funny!
Perhaps, I should celebrate making it through the first mod, eh?
Have a little drinky winky over a successful first course well done? (^_~)
Cheers, then.
~ Crystal L. ππ·πΊπ