Tuesday, January 24, 2017

A New Beginning

                    Ello.🖐 The creation of this Blog is for me, like "A New Beginning". A chance to erase all of the horrors of the past. Clean the slate if you will. And start anew. In order to find joy, I believe one must find inner peace first. I couldn't help but feel the need to start over again anew. Like an artist with a painting that he messed up on. Or a sculptor that forgot to include a limb... It seemed necessary for me to scrap what I was doing, clean up, and start over.
                       I have done that. By breaking up with the media fueled site, Facebook! And all of those fake friends I used to cater to each day. (-_-)  It's not because of any one person. But I have come to a realization. An awakening if you will. That I had been wasting soo much valuable time. And effort on that damned site. And getting nowhere. With anything! Not selling anything. Not growing any relationships. Not improving myself in any way. And not enjoying the ride, as well. If I am completely honest with myself, I HATE FACEBOOK!!  I hate it, because it's completely fueled by the media, propaganda, morons, and extremely rude socialites. Now I'm not saying that everyone is rude on there. Because I did have some good people on my friends list. But... in every other corner, I could find not a single decent soul. Of course, though, it only goes to reason that I would hate it. Since I hate people in general. But... there were other reasons as well. I couldn't manage to sell anything, because most of the people on it could not afford anything and wanted my items for next to nothing! They were rude to me about it. Trolling on the for sale groups, like thieves in the night. Waiting behind dark corners. For a chance to ruin someone's day. If they didn't like the product that someone was selling, they simply had to move on. They didn't have to make a huge scene over it. And cost the owner a possible sale of the product to someone else.
          As for my relationships... I could get nowhere with anyone. No one seemed to quite understand me. Or the fact that I was struggling to get close to them. Despite the fact that I continually posted updates on my status. Healthwise, financially, emotionally, ect.
            It's like I was running every day in every possible direction... and getting nowhere!
            So I asked myself:         "If you HATE Facebook, then why are you always checking it?"
                                               "To make money?"       - Nope -      "Can't seem to earn a dime!"
"To keep in touch with family?"    - Technically I can do that without Facebook. I can write to them. And they (if they truly care for me) can write me back. Or they can call me. They have my number... -
"To get my work out there? So that I could be discovered?"         - Hmmm... no discoveries yet. But besides that... A Blog can do the same thing. And I find a Blog to be a more purer way of self-expression. Since it is more like a journal, then a social call. -

                    In the end... it just made sense...

                    And with that, the decision was made.
                    And I deactivated my Facebook account.
                    And am slowly, but surely, moving my poems, art, and whatever else I feel necessary, here. To this blog.

              To me, it feels a lot like the words to "Waste" by Smash Mouth:

    " I'm moppin' up the floor
From messy recipes of romance
I'm packin' up the pots
Too many cooks in the kitchen..."


+ Below is the link to the song, if you'd actually like to hear it.


                            May this... be a bright and color-filled Dawning... of a New Day/My New Beginning.

                                                                                                                  ~ Crystal Lm. 🔆(🔆)🔆


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